+ Fully dynamic lighting using Lumen


detail lighting

To save on time and the extra performance cost of translucency, I changed the original material's blend mode to 'masked' and added emissive. An overridden shadow pass allows light to pass through the panes as though transparent, and a simple fresnel modified by the material's existing roughness blends the emissive to imitate light-reflecting interior walls and refraction.

To save on the performance cost from shadow-casting lights and full PBR, for most of the incense holders I used emissives to imitate the diffuse component of light. Ideally, an emissive channel would be painted for each mesh; however, given the way the assets had been authored, this was not efficient. I instead used an additive, pointlight-imitating material on simple meshes.
- Braziers from Dekogon Studios' "Ancient Treasures" on Unreal Marketplace
- "Sky Creator" by Dmitry Karpukhin on Unreal Marketplace
- "Screen Space Fog Scattering" by Dmitry Karpukhin on Unreal Marketplace
- "Windwalker Echo" by Epic Games on Unreal Marketplace
- Sounds from Sonniss' "GDC Game Audio Bundles"